LaborBerlin regularly organizes film screenings showcasing our members newest films, installations, and performances. We often invite analog filmmakers from around the world and partner with international film labs to present their work too. The screenings are open to all.
Summer Screening 2024
LaborBerlin presents its annual Summer Screening on August 31st 2024 at the Freilichtbühne Weißensee. Come celebrate with us the beauty of hand-processed, do-it-yourself film!
Karel Doing: Ruin and Resilience
Thursday, September 12th 2024, 7pm-10pmartist talk and film screening Karel Doing will be introducing his new book Ruins and Resilience followed by a program featuring films from his body of work spanning 25 years, from his early work with found footage to recent phytochemical experiments. Through these explorations of the nature of analogue film, Doing‘s…
Richard Tuohy & Dianna Barrie: Bodies in Space
A programme of 16mm films by Australian experimental filmmakers Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie (nanolab, AUS) that take us from windswept coasts to pulsating megacities. The work revels in the energy of place as expressed through rhythmic movements of light and shadow and the wash of time as dissected into frames in the camera and reconstituted into flickering flow…
Crater-Lab – Screening & Performance
On Wednesday July 31st 2024, to celebrate its 10th anniversary, Crater-Lab Barcelona will present a programme of experimental films that show the variety of techniques, processes, explorations and experiments possible in the context of an artisanal film laboratory, all produced around the Barcelona based lab. Luis Macias, co-founder and active member will present the programme, including a…
Laal Aasmaan, Hara Gulaab, Neeli Dharti – Expanded Cinema Performance
Film Performance: Sun, July 14th LAAL AASMAAN, HARA GULAAB, NEELI DHARTIby Harkat Lab (Mumbai, India) a 16mm expanded cinema performanceby Namrata Ganghani, Simran Ankolkar & Karan Suri Talwar of Harkat Lab with Live Sound by Baan G Fragments of unfinished verses swirl in an orbit, finding their way to each other, bewitched. They dance for…
Expanded Cinema – Roger Beebe
Roger Beebe, a filmmaker from Columbus, Ohio, is returning to Berlin for his first expanded cinema show in the city since 2012. The program consists of 3- and 4-projector performances, weaving together found and original footage, abstract cameraless experiments, laser-etched 16mm, and more. Much of his work emphasizes optical sound techniques, using materials like Washi…