Diffraktion 13 – Program



LaborBerlin is happy to invite you all to Diffraktion 13, the annual screening of films by members of the collective at City Kino Wedding on the 2nd of March starting at 2:00 PM featuring analog film screenings and performances. 

For the second consecutive year the event will take place in collaboration with SPECTRAL, a project created by six European analog film labs that focuses on Expanded Cinema. Within this framework guest filmmakers Jürgen Reble and Alex MacKenzie will present two different performative approaches to the analog projection that redefine conventional notions of cinema.

In addition to that, the event will be preceded by a memorial screening of Nikolaus Tscheschner’s feature film Kalmenhofkinder- Ermordet und vergessen.

2:00 pm
A tribute to Nikolaus Tscheschner
Kalmenhofkinder – Ermordet und Vergessen, Nikolaus Tscheschner, 1989, 16mm, 139′
Free entry

We will screen the award-winning film by Nikolaus Tscheschner, a long-time member of LaborBerlin who passed away in early summer 2023. In homage to Niko and his work, this screening will be preceded by a short introduction from members of our collective.


Tickets 8€
Reduced 6€

6:00 pm
Alchemie, Jürgen Reble, 16mm film performance, 45′

The Alchemy performance is a film and sound projection with the duration of approximate 45 minutes. The source material of this work decomposes itself during the show. Each Alchemy is thus an unique event. The work unfolds from a prepared film loop of 10 meter length, which is treated with chemicals during its projection.

7:30 pm
LaborBerlin Program 1:

Berliner Gewässer, Deborah Phillips, 2023, 16mm, 6’
Untitled No. 99, Hermann Feldhaus, 1999, 16mm, 6’,
Tredecimtuor, Sophie Watzlawick, 2023, 16mm, 7’
Das unzerbrechliche Herz meiner Mutter, Katrin Eissing, 2024, 16mm, 2’
(Work in Progress), Bernd Lützeler, 2024, 35mm and digital, 30’

LaborBerlin Program 2:

Heirlooms, Jules Leaño, 2024, Digital, 10’
Zwillinge, Luisa Greenfield, 2023, Digital, 11’)
Natural Human, Ojoboca, 2023, 16mm, 30’

10:30 pm
Experiments with a Single Projector, Alex MacKenzie, 16mm, 50′
Experiments For A Single Projector explores the potential of the 16mm film projection apparatus. Amplifying the possibilities of this refined and precise tool, this suite of expanded and performed works uses the mechanism to its fullest potential; manipulating, modifying and enhancing various aspects of its functionality.

5:00 – 10:00 pm
Food prepared by Pepe Dayaw of Nowhere Kitchen will be available for purchase

City Kino Wedding
Müllerstrasse 74

Tickets 8€
Reduced 6€
Tickets can be acquired at the box office and on City Kino Wedding’s website

The event is supported by the Creative Europe Program and the Senate of the City of Berlin