
LaborBerlin regularly hosts workshops that are designed to keep the analog spirit and knowledge alive across generations. These include regular darkroom workshops, tutoriums on how to use the various equipment at the Labor (like the contact printer, scanner, or KRASS animation stand), but also creative workshops on processes like phytography, multiple-exposure filmmaking, etc. They are ran by members of the Labor for other members of the Labor. If you would like to join, please apply to become a member here.

  • WORKSHOP: Tri-colour 16mm Film Projection

    WORKSHOP: Tri-colour 16mm Film Projection


    Tri-colour 16mm Film Projection(with b&w reversal processing) A beginners workshop on shooting, hand processing,projecting and colour filtering your own b&w film loops   Saturday, July 13th10 am – 6 pmat LaborBerlin The world’s first colour image was made using black and white film. And that’s exactly what we’ll do in this workshop. Re-create it on 16mm…

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  • Phytography Workshop with Karel Doing

    Phytography Workshop with Karel Doing


    Thursday, September 12th2pm – 6pmat LaborBerlin LaborBerlin is excited to welcome back our friend Karel Doing to the garden of PA58 for a day of plants, chemistry and analogue film . . . Phytography is a technique that makes it possible to create detailed chemical traces of plants directly on photographic emulsion. The process takes…

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  • LaborBerlin Workshop at Analogica 2019

    LaborBerlin Workshop at Analogica 2019

    Date: 07-08/12/2019Location: FotoForum – Bolzano, Italy THE EXPERIMENTER’S TOOL – BOLEX H16Visual poems, diaries, fragments of observation, moving sketchbooks – create little cine-mysteries with in-camera effects / editing and learn how to hand-process 16mm film. An introduction to experimental 16mm film-making focused on the camera as a critical aspect of the working method. Which techniques…

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    Date: October 06, 12 and 19, 2019Location: Filmmuseum Potsdam Ein Workshop zur Neuvertonung gefundener Home Movies auf Super-8A workshop on creating new soundtrack for found home movies on Super-8 film >> Scroll down for English >> [ Der Begriff “BILD-TON-SCHERE” beschreibt das Auseinanderdriften zweier miteinander verbundener Teile in verschiedene Richtungen. Im Film laufen Bild und…

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  • Analog Workshop 2019

    Analog Workshop 2019

    Date: August 30 – September 4, 2019Location: LaborBerlin, Arsenal, Silent Green, Kornmanufaktur For the third year, LaborBerlin is happy to collaborate with Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V. to offer an intensive, 5-day analog film workshop. Participants will learn to shoot and develop 16mm film as well as the principles of analog/digital archiving,…

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  • Scotch Tape Cinema and Sound

    Scotch Tape Cinema and Sound

    Date: September 20, 2018 Workshop: 10am – 5pm Location: LaborBerlin, Prinzenallee 58, 13359 Berlin This workshop is open to non-LaborBerlin members. Participation is limited and pre-registration is required. To register for the workshop please send an email to Workshop fee for non-members: 30 € Participants will learn to make motion pictures and looping sound…

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