
LaborBerlin regularly hosts workshops that are designed to keep the analog spirit and knowledge alive across generations. These include regular darkroom workshops, tutoriums on how to use the various equipment at the Labor (like the contact printer, scanner, or KRASS animation stand), but also creative workshops on processes like phytography, multiple-exposure filmmaking, etc. They are ran by members of the Labor for other members of the Labor. If you would like to join, please apply to become a member here.

  • LaborBerlin beim Stuttgarter Filmwinter

    Alle Macht der Super-8! Am kommenden Samstag, den 21. Januar, werden LaborBerlin Mitglieder Anja Dornieden und Juan David Gonzalez einen Super8-Workshop für Kinder beim Stuttgarter Filmwinter unterrichten. Die Teilnehmer werden ihre eigenen Schwarz-Weiß-Filme drehen und anschließend entwickeln. Die Ergebnisse des Workshops werden am Abend in einer öffentlichen Präsentation gezeigt. Download der Programmbroschüre

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  • LABeirut Film Workshop

    Lebanese filmmaker Siska and LaborBerlin members Michel Balagué and Philip Widmann will offer an intensive workshop on analog film practice at the Zico House from January 6th to 12th, 2012. During the seven days of LABeirut, twelve participants will learn to operate Super 8 and 16mm film cameras, to expose different film stocks as well…

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  • Richard Touhy workshop documentation

    The Workshop by Richard was well attended. After a detailed introduction on the logic of B/W reversal film, we went out and shot two 100 foot rolls of Orwo black and white film. We developed them in the lab and then applied bleach, fixer and second developer by hand. Afterwards we spliced everyone’s experiments together…

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  • Reversal Handwork : Workshop by Richard Tuohy

    Richard Tuohy, from Nanolab (Australia) will do workshop at LaborBerlin on Wednesday 2nd of November from 11am till 7 p.m. The workshop will focus on the black and white reversal processing using 16mm film. ———————————————————– Reversal Handwork: Applying photographic chemistry with a brush! “All photographic film is first and foremost black and white negative. During…

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  • Crass Animation

    About a year ago some members from l’Abominable visited LaborBerlin and we spent an afternoon getting to know the Crass animation stand. Photos by Nathalie, L’Abominable

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