The Workshop by Richard was well attended. After a detailed introduction on the logic of B/W reversal film, we went out and shot two 100 foot rolls of Orwo black and white film. We developed them in the lab and then applied bleach, fixer and second developer by hand. Afterwards we spliced everyone’s experiments together and screened them for the group. The results will also be shown at our next open screening, Wednesday November 16.
After the workshop Richard and Dianna stayed behind to help us figure out how to load and finally run the contact printer. Thanks to their previous experience with this machine we were able to understand how it works and all its potential uses.
Last Tuesday Nov. 8, we made our first successful test on the machine. We printed a short test strip with different light exposures. The next step is to run another test with a variety of filters to manipulate the contrast and then finally print a whole roll film.