LaborBerlin is pleased to present a selection of films and a performance by its members at the 9th Directors Lounge.
Monday, 11.02.2013 at 6:00 PM
Naherholung Sternchen | Berolinastraße 7 | 10178 Berlin / Mitte
(Ubhf- Schillingstraße behind Kino International / Rathaus Mitte)
Ritournelle by Christopher Becks & Peter Miller
2012 | 16mm | 3 Min
Rokh II by Distruktur
2012 | 16mm | 5 Min
Surface Chemistry by Imogen Heath
2012 | double 16mm projection | 3 Min
A Home Inside by Anja Dornieden & Juan David Gonzalez Monroy
2013 | live audiovisual presentation with three 16mm projectors | 20 Min