Film Screening / Performance / Concert
After three successful editions LaborBerlin once again presents DIFFRAKTION, its very own annual showcase of new works on film by its members and friends. This year, DIFFRAKTION will encompass a full-day event with various film programs, talks, film performances and live music.
LaborBerlin is a nonprofit, independent film collective, open to any and every individual interested in artist-run initiatives and analogue film practices. With this in mind, the goal of this event is to be an open invitation to anyone that’s interested in preserving the artistic use of analog film, and in supporting collective initiatives that seek to make these types of practices open, accessible, non-hierarchical and non-commercial.
We believe that the present moment, when most traditional film labs are closing and digital media has become the dominant option for audiovisual production, is not a time of crisis for analog film but a moment of opportunity. Film and the knowledge around it, now free from the demands of the commercial sector, can begin a new life as a truly independent medium to be openly shared and collectively developed. However, with this opportunity come many more challenges. Which is why we want to present this event as an open forum for discussions and suggestions on how to overcome the challenges that LaborBerlin, and many other organizations like it, face today. LaborBerlin in particular is currently at risk because of upcoming rent hikes. Therefore this event also serves as a fundraiser to guarantee that we can keep an open and economically accessible space.

4pm – Film “In Arbeit” (Part 1 – L’abominable)
This is the first part in Arne Hector and Minze Tummescheit’s ongoing documentary series, “In Arbeit”, a filmic investigation of the reality, possibilities and limitations of collective action. In this section the directors visit the french artist-run film lab, L’Abominable, to explore the particulars of their collective experience.
5pm – Open discussion on the contemporary realities of the collective film lab
Following the screening, the film’s directors and other members of the lab will be present to talk about the the model of the collectively-run independent film lab and the advantages and challenges that one faces when working within a structure of this type. In particular we will discuss the future of such models and the strategies available for their survival.

6:30 pm – Films by friends of LaborBerlin
LaborBerlin is a proud member of FilmLabs.org, the network of independent film labs. Filmlabs.org is a platform for the exchange of knowledge, information and new ideas around the practice of analog filmmaking. Its aim is to support and expand the independent use of photochemical filmmaking in all its possible forms. This year we’ll be showing films from two other labs in the network, WORM.filmwerkplaats (Rotterdam) and Cherry Kino (Leeds). In this program we will also show two films by another guest, Jodie Mack, who is joining us in Berlin after presenting a program of her films at the Rotterdam Film Festival.
With works on Super8 und 16mm by Daan de Bakker; Florian Cramer; Martha Jurksaitis; Jodie Mack; Judith van der Made; Helene Martin; Marcy Saude; Lichun Tseng; Esther Urlus; Nan Wang

8:30 pm – Films and performances by members of LaborBerlin
As it has become our custom we present here a program of recent and new films and performances by LaborBerlin members. Though ranging widely in their approach they all nonetheless show a commitment to exploring the possibilities of film as an artistic language that still has much to say.
With works on Super8 und 16mm by Clara Bausch; Guillaume Cailleau; Teresa Delgado & Jakob Kirchheim; Distruktur; Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy; Imogen Heath; Andreas Kebschull & Andreas Zech; Kolja Kunt & Bernd Lützeler; Linn Löffler; Lucas Maia; Klara Ravat; Sadashivam Rao; Björn Speidel; Volga
10:30pm – Live music with Filmriss & Craig Mattingley Band
Villa Neukölln Hermannstraße 233
Admission 5 – 8 Euro