LaborBerlin is a self-organized DIY analog film lab in Berlin.

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  • Other Eyes – Many Places

    Other Eyes – Many Places


    a night of analogue films from ACME OBSCURA Other Eyes – Many Places is a program of works put together by Madrid-based film-maker Álvaro Feldman and friends from Spain’s analogue/experimental film scene. Feldman will be present to introduce the program in person.  During his studies, Feldman began to explore the possibilities of analog film production…

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  • Summer Screening 2023

    Summer Screening 2023


    LaborBerlin presents its annual Summer Screening on August 12th, 2023 at the Freilichtbühne Weißensee. Come celebrate with us the beauty of hand-processed, do-it-yourself film!

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    (Posted after website revival for archival purposes) PROGRAMME

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  • We’re back online!

    We’re back online!

    After a lot of down-time, we’re glad to announce our website is back up and running!

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    After a two-year break LaborBerlin is looking forward to presenting at Freilichtbühne Weißensee a new edition of DIFFRAKTION, highlighting works from the Artist Film Workshop (AFW) of Melbourne, Australia, as well as the newest works from LaborBerlin members.

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  • बमबरम  Bambaram – A Spinning Top

    बमबरम Bambaram – A Spinning Top

    films by members of Harkat Film Lab Mumbai (in person) Wir freuen uns, ein Programm zu präsentieren mit Filmen von Mitgliedern unseres befreundeten Filmlabors Harkat Lab aus Mumbai. Harkat Lab wurde vor drei Jahren als Teil der Harkat Studios gegründet, einer Produktionsfirma, deren Räume sich mehrmals pro Woche nach Feierabend in einen Off-Space verwandeln, mit…

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