LaborBerlin is a self-organized DIY analog film lab in Berlin.

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  • Reversal Handwork : Workshop by Richard Tuohy

    Richard Tuohy, from Nanolab (Australia) will do workshop at LaborBerlin on Wednesday 2nd of November from 11am till 7 p.m. The workshop will focus on the black and white reversal processing using 16mm film. ———————————————————– Reversal Handwork: Applying photographic chemistry with a brush! “All photographic film is first and foremost black and white negative. During…

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  • Peter Miller at Gallerie Crone

    LaborBerlin warmly recommends Peter Miller‘s solo show in Berlin. Gallerie Crone, Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 26. Opening on October 28th, 7-9 PM, exhibition runs through December 22nd.

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  • #1.02 Guillaume Cailleau + Werner Dafeldecker

    LaborBerlin’s Loop Orchestrator Guillaume Cailleau collaborates with Werner Dafeldecker on a live cinema performance this upcoming Saturday at Regenbogen Kino, starting 8:30pm. The performance will be followed by a concert by the French musician Antez. Clearly a MUST-see for radical cinephiles! # 1.02 Performance by Guillaume Cailleau and Werner Dafeldecker (2 super 8 projectors with…

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  • Treffen sich zwei alte Kommunisten

    Herzliche Einladung, “Treffen sich 2 alte Kommunisten” anzuschauen! Ein Theaterstück, an dem LaborBerlin Mitglieder Minze Thummescheit und Arne Hector (cinema copains) in diesem Jahr mitgearbeitet haben. Am Freitag und Samstag dieser Woche ist Arne in der Rolle des referierenden Architekten zu sehen! Treffen sich zwei alte Kommunisten Wann begann der Kommunismus sich gegen seine eigenen…

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  • Occupy Super 8 Collective

    We are artists and filmmakers who are supporting and participating in the occupations that started with Occupy Wall Street and have spread all over the country. We’ve been bringing our super 8 and 16mm cameras out to the protests to document what’s happening on film. In the collaborative spirit at the core of the occupations,…

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