LaborBerlin is a self-organized DIY analog film lab in Berlin.

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  • Diffraktion #10

    Diffraktion #10

    LaborBerlin e.V. presents the annual showcase highlighting new works by LaborBerlin members and friends Saturday, 15/02/2019, 8 PM – 12 AMACUD MACHT NEU – Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin, Germany [scroll down for german] LaborBerlin e.V. is happy to present the tenth edition of DIFFRAKTION, the annual showcase of the newest works by our members, on Saturday, 15th…

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  • LaborBerlin Workshop at Analogica 2019

    LaborBerlin Workshop at Analogica 2019

    Date: 07-08/12/2019Location: FotoForum – Bolzano, Italy THE EXPERIMENTER’S TOOL – BOLEX H16Visual poems, diaries, fragments of observation, moving sketchbooks – create little cine-mysteries with in-camera effects / editing and learn how to hand-process 16mm film. An introduction to experimental 16mm film-making focused on the camera as a critical aspect of the working method. Which techniques…

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    Date: October 06, 12 and 19, 2019Location: Filmmuseum Potsdam Ein Workshop zur Neuvertonung gefundener Home Movies auf Super-8A workshop on creating new soundtrack for found home movies on Super-8 film >> Scroll down for English >> [ Der Begriff “BILD-TON-SCHERE” beschreibt das Auseinanderdriften zweier miteinander verbundener Teile in verschiedene Richtungen. Im Film laufen Bild und…

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  • Summer Screening 2019

    LaborBerlin presents its annual Summer Screening on August 10th, 2019. Join us for an evening of new films and performances by our members alongside some visiting friends and guest artists. The screening will take place at Kino Zukunft near Ostkreuz. There will be food & drinks in the garden, starting at 7:00pm. Date: Saturday, 10th…

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  • Analog Workshop 2019

    Analog Workshop 2019

    Date: August 30 – September 4, 2019Location: LaborBerlin, Arsenal, Silent Green, Kornmanufaktur For the third year, LaborBerlin is happy to collaborate with Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V. to offer an intensive, 5-day analog film workshop. Participants will learn to shoot and develop 16mm film as well as the principles of analog/digital archiving,…

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  • Book – Film in the Present Tense

    This book brings together contributions from participants and guests of Film in the Present Tense – International Symposium on Current Developments in Analog Film Culture, held in Berlin. It reflects a contemporary discussion around the use, value and purpose of analogue film from a multiplicity of perspectives: artists, filmmakers, scholars, archivists, curators, technician s and…

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