LaborBerlin is a self-organized DIY analog film lab in Berlin.

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  • Optica festival del VideoArte

    Friday, September 16 // La Casa Encendida, Madrid // LaborBerlin is invited to present at the Optica festival del VideoArte (16. – 19.09.2011) in Madrid. Members Michel Balagué and Linn Löffler will give a lecture about the association. It will be followed by the screening of Cat Effect (16mm, 2011) by Gustavo Jahn & Melissa…

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  • Cantu-Ledesma & Clipson

    Monday, September 12 at 9:00pm // Westgermany // Skalitzer Straße 133 LaborBerlin warmly recommends Jefre Cantu-Ledesma & Paul Clipson (Super-8 projections) + Bill Kouligas (Family Battle Snake) ============================== In 2003 a collaboration between Jefre Cantu-Ledesma & Paul Clipson was begun. The duo create unique live performances with music and film. They have released a number…

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    07.–13.09.2011 // LabA, L. Alexandras 9, 2. Etage // und Goethe-Institut Athen // Internationale Cineasten, renommierte Filmemacher, Künstler, Studierende aber auch Amateure stellen in einem Workshop in Athen eigenhändig ihre Filme über die griechische Hauptstadt her: Sie drehen (Super 8, 16mm), entwickeln, schneiden, projizieren selbst. Sie machen die künstlerische Laborarbeit sowohl mit dem Medium als…

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  • Cellule d’Intervention METAMKINE

    NK // Elsen Str. 52 // Tuesday // August 30th 2011 // Doors 21, Concert 22 sharp! LaborBerlin warmly recommends Cellule d’Intervention METAMKINE // Antoine Chessex Nothing for backtape and tenor saxophone Cellule d’Intervention METAMKINE Jérôme NOETINGER, electroacoustic devices.
 Christophe AUGER, projectors 16mm. Xavier QUÉREL, projectors 16mm. & Antoine Chessex Cellule d’Intervention METAMKINE is an…

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  • Free Radicals

    (labor)Berliners, go see Pip Chodorov‘s most recent film Free Radicals at the Favourites Festival. It is a festival of films that have won audience prizes at other festivals, and at this screening the audience will vote again. Hope you can come see the film and vote! Pip will attend the screening in person so it’s…

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    documentation by Andreas Kebschull

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