LaborBerlin is a self-organized DIY analog film lab in Berlin.

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  • Mid-Summer Screening

    On Sunday, the 12th of August, LaborBerlin presents a Mid-Summer Screening at Panke in Wedding, featuring works by members and friends. The evening is organized in two parts: the first one starts at 7pm (sharp) and shows new films made at Labor. Starting at 9pm (sharp), the second part consists of live cinema collaborations. Celebrate…

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    MISSION EYE & EAR: BERLIN Live Improvised Music + Experimental Film from San Francisco and Berlin Thursday, August 2, 2012, 8pm Filmmakers: Konrad Steiner Kathleen Quillian Sylvia Schedelbauer Paul Clipson Carl Diehl Bill Basquin Alfonso Alvarez Musicians: Jason Levis, percussion Lisa Mezzacappa, contrabass George Cremaschi, contrabass/electronics Ritwik Banerjee, saxophone/electronics Chris Heenan, winds Piero Bittolo Bon,…

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    TODAY TODAY TODAY Florida-based experimental filmmaker Roger Beebe is in town and will present a special open-air/backyard-screening of his FILMS for ONE to EIGHT PROJECTORS! In his film performances, which he has presented around the world, Roger uses multiple analog and digital formats, from Super8 to 16mm to video, running up to 8 projectors simultaneously…

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  • Filmmakers’ Choice

    Filmmakers’ Choice am 25. Juni in Kino Arsenal (Kino 2), 19 Uhr “Ich habe nach Filmen gesucht, in denen Farben, Texturen, Licht und Zeit ein größeres Gewicht haben als Menschen und Erzählungen. Mehr und mehr wurde meine Recherche auch zu einer Entdeckungsreise in die osteuropäischen Bestände des Arsenal-Archivs. Wir fangen an mit einem Naturbeoachtungsfilm (VIRAGAT…

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    LaborBerlin member Iana Stefanova is currently conducting a film workshop in Belgrade. On Thursday the results of the workshop will be presented in a screening.

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    LaborBerlin at the Wiener Festwochen

    LaborBerlin members Arne Hector, Minze Tummescheit, Linn Löffler, Leila Saadna, Sophie Watzlawick, Iana Stefanova, Anja Dornieden, Juan David Gonzalez Monroy, Clara Bausch and Michel Balagué are in Vienna, Austria to take part in the Wiener Festwochen. As part of the “Into the City” program, they have set up a bus as a mobile film lab…

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