LaborBerlin is a self-organized DIY analog film lab in Berlin.

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  • Point It At Gran

    Dear all, you are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition Point It At Gran, featuring works by Clara Bausch, Rick Buckley, Sebastian Dacey, Iris van Dongen, Fabian Fobbe, Valentin Just, and Malte Urbschat. Friday May 20th, at 19:00 – open end. Exhibition on view May 21st and 22nd, 13:00 – 17:00 nationalmuseum Urbanstrasse…

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  • Cinematic Cartographies

    Workshop: Cinematic Cartographies, with Roger Beebe and Wes Kline May 16th through June 17th, Monday to Friday 10:30 to 13:00. This is a film production course, but its approach is primarily theoretical rather than technical. How do we locate ourselves within the new global economic system? What connections can we make between our local environment…

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  • 4 Films by Robert Beavers

    Robert Beavers und P. Adams Sitney im Arsenal, 15.5.2011 // 19:00 // “My Hand Outstretched to the Winged Distance and Sightless Measure”: “In diesem Zyklustitel verbirgt sich durchaus Praktisches: Die ausgestreckte Hand. Der geflügelte Abstand (oder auch: Ferne, Wegstrecke, Zwischenraum, Zeitraum). Sowie das blinde Maß – ein Begriff, der unter anderem besagt, dass Robert Beavers…

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  • Das Gespenst der Freiheit

    Wir laden euch herzlich ein zur Ausstellung mit Filmen von We cordially invite you to an exibition with films by Lili Kuschel & Mikko Gaestel // Sara Lehn & Greg McLaren // Yulia Lokshina & Julian Bogenfeld // Clara Bausch // Florian Baron & einem Diavortag von & a slide show by Thomas Moritz Helm…

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  • Experiments in Cinema DVD

    Anja Dornieden and Juan David Gonzales Monroy‘s short films not only screened at the spring edition of Experiments in Cinema V6.3 in Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA), but were also released on the festival DVD, available on eBay. Check out the line up which features some great shorts by friends and colleagues, most of whom share…

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  • Cat Effect

    Melissa Dullius & Gustavo Jahn have a new film Cat Effect which screened at BAFICI in Buenos Aires, Argentina, among other festivals. In the film “a woman goes alone through the streets of Moscow getting on and off subway trains on her way to a meeting that includes a screening of a film about a…

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